Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011

This is for the woman who reads with tears

If you ever find yourself in the middle of uncertainty
If you ever find yourself wondering if you did right
If you ever find yourself  looking away from the truth
If you ever find yourself singing unfamiliar songs
If you ever find yourself drowning in tears
If you ever find yourself making the wrong decisions
If you ever find yourself empty
If you ever find yourself weak
If you ever find yourself forgetting things
If you ever find yourself  at the lowest point, helpless
If you ever find yourself afraid

And if you ever feel that there's a big dead end sign ahead
Turn back
Keep your head up
There is more to life than sadness.

2 komento:

  1. I love this.. i only have one question.. actually its better to say that i have one question for each stanza.. HOW??? how do i start???

    i think one of the hardest thing in this world is knowing and making the first move.. nix and i know that i am sad.. but i cannot be like this forever.. i have to make a move.. actually, i already did.. and i must say that its hard.. very hard.. it took me 2 yrs and 7 months to make it.. and i'm still in the process of making the other steps..

    Thank you NIX.. this means a lot for me.. :)
